Week 15 Rest and Active Recovery
Unfortunately Sports Massage Therapy has not currently been included in the latest list of businesses permitted to re-open on 4th July 2020. Gary and I remain available online, I can now teach up to 5 people outside where there is sufficient space to maintain social distancing. We continue to keep abreast of the recommended hygiene procedures to ensure the safety of ourselves and those that we treat. We are using this time to re-upholster the treatment couch and prepare the room for when we can re-open, we will of course let you know our re-open date as soon as we know.
After an intense period of exercise the body needs time to replenish spent fuel, repair tissue damage and re-hydrate. Whilst chilling out with your feet up and a good book or movie, can be a good way to rest for a short time, most of us will find a whole day or two of not moving results in stiffness and discomfort.
Active recovery is movement(s) carried out at a relatively easy heart rate, you should be able to hold a conversation whilst completing the exercise. Active recovery can be useful when you are looking to exercise more than once a day, so you could complete a hard session in the morning and then focus on drills and movement in the afternoon or evening.
Active recovery is also useful to consider when you are coming back to training after illness or injury, breaking your training session into small blocks with walking breaks rather than sitting or standing still.
Repetitively moving your body through the same motions can result in physical and mental fatigue leaving you feeling sore, tired and bored/sluggish. An activity that requires a different movement pattern, works your muscles at different rates/sequences which can be benefit you physically, emotionally and mentally.
If you are feeling stiff, sore, lethargic or grumpy for more than a few days, try swapping out one training session a week or every other week for a bike ride, circuit training, walk or gentle exercise class.
Stay safe, stay healthy and hopefully see you soon