Week 10 The Warm Down/ Cool Down…why bother?
I hope you are all keeping well, whilst the running shop itself will hopefully be able to open on 1st June, it is likely to be 4th July at the earliest before Gary and I will be able to see anyone face to face. We are keeping abreast of advice for safe working, which as you can imagine is changing week to week.
So you’ve trained hard/played hard and you’re just feeling like slumping on the sofa with some food….why bother with a warm down.
I’ll start with my personal experience of regretting skipping that cool down, whether its physiologically real or not (as whilst its common in sport to cool down, there is very little proven evidence that it makes a difference), I know I feel more soreness and stiffness the following day(s) when I skip that cool down, however there is no hard proof that cooling down helps.
When we exert ourselves our heart rate increases to provide oxygen and nutrients to our bodies, pushing ourselves creates heat within our system (on a cold day you can see the steam coming off an athlete working hard from across the track). Our muscles can expand easier when they are warm. Practicing a cool down allows our heart rate and in turn body’s temperature to reduce more gradually, it is less of a shock to our system-think about what you feel like walking from a very hot room to icy cold air and vice versa, compared to walking from a very hot room, through a cooler hallway to a walk in fridge.
A typical cool down can be a slower jog or if you’ve just run a marathon a walk for 800m-1mile. For anyone who’s experienced stopping suddenly and sitting after a marathon, compared to gentle movement, this may make more sense.
I’ve attached a video with examples of some gentle cool down exercises, the main aim is to help your nervous system to settle into parasympathetic mode (rest and digest), helping to prepare your body for the repair work it cleverly does, when you give it a chance.
I’m also a huge fan of warm baths with Epsom salts. Epsom salts have high levels of magnesium which our body absorbs very well through our skin. Magnesium is a salt that we need for muscle and nervous system function and is also said to help reduce inflammation. If you have any underlying health conditions then seek medical advice before using. Personally I find I sleep really well, although I do need to drink round a pint of water after my bath before I go to bed.
Gary and I will let you know when the UK Government, grants permission to re-open the clinic.
We will also be following government advice on maintaining safe working practices, we will of course make you aware of any new measures that we need to introduce before your appointments. In the meantime we will continue to be available for online consultations.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay fit.
Warm Regards
Gary and Sharon