Week 4 Lock Down

Week 4 Covid-19 Lockdown

So I’ve settled into a routine and this week I am feeling calmer, I am maintaining a routine, starting my day with meditation and doing any running early before the paths and parks get busy with other folk looking to change their surroundings.  I explained to a neighbor who suggested joggers should be stopping, standing to one side and waiting for walkers to pass, that when you are jogging and running its not so easy to stop every time you see walkers, it can cause injury to stop suddenly, so we each need to take responsibility for social distancing, moving out of each other’s way as much as possible.


This week, admittedly using Easter as an excuse I have slipped into a chocolate eating mess and really need to catch onto myself – a downside of practicing mindfulness is being more aware of sliding into bad habits. My best way of being disciplined where my sweet tooth is concerned is to have only nutritious foods in the cupboards and fridge.


So from this moment onwards I am going to revert to a small piece of dark chocolate a day and focus on food as fuel rather than my own personal default of having a rather large emotional attachment to food. I personally find eating healthy, nutritious food helps my mood and mental focus so I’m getting back to it.


Here’s a link to one of the short meditations that I use



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